Source: James Gathany, CDC When we moved out of Singapore, there was one thing that we gladly left behind, or so we thought: this nagging worry about dengue fever. For quite a long time, we thought it was a somewhat…

10 years later…
On 29th March 2004, we were landing in Shanghai to start a new life. Relocating abroad, or more specifically to Asia, had been our dream for a long time and we were absolutely excited about the dream coming true.…

Dix ans après…
Le 29 mars 2004, nous atterrissions à Shanghai, le début d’une nouvelle vie. Nous avions longtemps rêvé de partir à l’étranger, plus précisément en Asie, et notre rêve se réalisait enfin ! Nous ne savions pas comment tournerait l’aventure, mais nous…
Many of you have asked what happened to Joni, Amélie and Chloé’s nanny, when we moved back to France. We were very pleased when Joni told us of her plans. Rather than looking for another maid job in Singapore, she…
Le soleil vient de se lever…
De temps en temps, nous allons prendre un petit déjeuner singapourien traditionnel. La composition se trouve un peu à mi-chemin entre un petit déjeuner à la française (pain, beurre, confiture) et un English breakfast (œufs & toast)… mais les saveurs…